Sunday, January 25, 2009

Yesterday was a

relaxing and slow moving day. I always look forward to Saturdays... there's no need to wake up to an alarm... I can simply wake up when I feel awake enough :) Then there is the late breakfast with mum (and sometimes bro, if he is awake). Yup, I love Saturdays.

Yesterday, Dearie and me went to Sengkang to take a look at the building progress of our new flat. All 16 stories of our block has been built, and it seems that the wall tiles of the toilets have also been put up. Most of the walls have also been painted white already. Everything looks good to us, and if all goes well, hopefully we can get the keys by next year :) So, this means we need to start planning for renovation costs right after our wedding this year. Phew... lots to do, but it will be an exciting year this year.

Yay, there's reunion dinner with mum, bro, grandpa and grandma this evening. Will be good! Hopefully can go have cartel cake or billy bombers milk shake this evening with Dearie, Janeee, Shoeee, Danny etc before they go and watch Ink Hearts at 11:30pm. Dearie and me feel that it's too expensive, so we'll give it a miss. Lol.

Suddenly feel the urge to go attend the El Shaddai Conference, to refresh myself in Him, and also to learn new skills to better my service to God in MM. Yeah!

Okie... that's all for now... school's great, everything's great. Thank God for my life!

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