I really need to get into the schooling momentum, as I realized that I haven't. Hehe. I forgot to bring pen and paper on the 1st day, so Dearie had to rush back to the car to get some for me before he left for NUS. Oops. Thanks Dearie :) Then on the 2nd day, I dropped my wallet (containing my EZ link, ATM card, and MONEY) in the lecture theatre. And I only realized it when I was about to have breakfast in the canteen with my new found friends. ARGHHHHH!!! But, as usual, blur me thought I left it at home and I did not suspect anything at all. Really thank God for the next thing that happened. I received 2 missed calls (I cancelled them coz I was in a briefing after breakfast), so I called the number after the briefing. THANK GOD!!! It was a clerk from the Administration of NIE. They said somebody (God bless the kind soul) picked up my wallet and left it with them! YAY! So I got it back la! Hahahahaha. What a day.
Anyway, most of my curriculum lessons only commence on the 23rd of February, so I will not be so busy yet for the time being. But the general lessons like Educational Psychology and other stuff start next week. Kind of excited. Heh.
Have been very tired for the past few days (briefings started at 8:30am), but much better today (coz the briefings start at 11 am). Need to get used to getting up in the wee hours. In case you do not know... I am staying in Tampines... and NIE is in Boon Lay. I need to travel to the Tampines MRT first, then take the MRT to Boon Lay, then take another bus in to NIE. Basically I will be travelling from one end of Singapore to the other every day. Thank God for Dearie who has been fetching me to school for the past 2 days. He will be doing so today as well coz he is also going to NUS. Hurhurhur.
Well, today is also Say Kheng's birthday, so Happy Birthday to her!!! Really miss the times we had lunch in office. Well, I did try to have lunch with her yesterday coz the briefings ended at 12 pls... but she had other plans already so another day ba :) Anyway, here are some of the pictures we took at the party with the Fillipinos. Miss them so much. But I have to follow God's Plan for me.
Photos in order: 1 - Dearie and me, 2 - Sk and me with Fillipino colleagues, 3 - SK and me, 4 - With Dearie again :)

Ok... time to get ready to eat breakfast with Dearie then he'll drive me to NIE...
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