when the wedding date was changed, when the hotel confirmed that the date 080809 is available, when my wedding photoshoot invoice number is 0808, when they advised us to finish the photoshoot in March since last year. It's all planned out for us since the first day. It had always meant to be. All in God's Plan.
The number 8 represents a new beginning. God wants us to have a new beginning in our marriage, in Him. It all falls in place nicely now, and we have to start our planning now. The invitation cards for church needs to be out in 2 months. The caterer for the lunch buffet for church needs to be confirmed. The church decoration needs to be finalised. The programme sequence for the actual day needs to be confirmed (this is the one that gives the most headache). The committee for my wedding needs to meet up. Need to confirm the photographers. Need to confirm my MCs and have rehearsals. Means need to arrange a rehearsal date with the hotel and with church. I need to take care of my face (haha). I need to exercise. Phew. This list can go on...
Have been very busy with work for this whole month, so explaining the lack of updates in this bloggie. Everytime I feel like blogging, I remember the amount of work that is waiting for me to complete, and blogging time goes out the window. Oh well, I finally have some breathing space this weekend, and it's ending like... right now? I need to mark some scripts and set a test and plan for my lessons in the coming week. Oh well, this is the life that God has planned out for me, and He will make it straight.
Anyway, to Jane, Shuyi, Jelena, Charlene and Sheng Xiang: All the best for your practicum! Jiayou! And God bless!
Peace out.